Thursday, June 28, 2012

First Grade Common Core Math Assessment

After quite a bit of intensive labor, my First Grade Common Core Math Assessment is complete! Phew! Our district is focusing on implementing reading and writing CCSS this year, and will move to focus on math as this year progresses. However, I wanted to have an assessment that I could use to group students into guided math groups and for monitoring my students for RtI.

It includes:
*Instructions and materials needed (just some basic classroom materials like counters and a whiteboard)
*A comprehensive assessment tool with ALL first grade math standards, and space to use the assessment five times per year (beginning of year, then after each quarter or trimester)
*Areas for notes about misconceptions and strengths
*Class Assessment Data tables to gather data across the class to aid in forming guided math and/or intervention groups

Get your copy (for just $3.00!) by clicking the picture below!


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