Sunday, November 25, 2012

I'm BAAACCCKKK!!!! Plus a giveaway and a TpT sale!

Okay, so I have been gone over two months.

Agh! I seriously logged in and cringed when I saw my last post date.

Things. Have. Been. Crazy.

That's the long and the short of it! If it's too early to make a New Year's resolution, oh well - mine is to be a more dedicated poster.

Despite my blogging absence, I've been working on a few projects. One of my newest products is a little goodie called "Mad About Science."

It includes an info sheet for kids and parents on the steps of the scientific method, a little assessment, and blank experiment recording sheets that are appropriate for any experiment. This file goes for just $2.00 in my TpT store, but the first two posters to comment on this post and include their email addresses will receive it FREE!

Also, my entire TpT store is on sale now through Tuesday. Use code CMT12 at checkout Monday and Tuesday for an extra 10% off!

Have a great week back from Thanksgiving!


  1. Welcome back!

  2. Welcome the look of your new unit!

