Monday, February 18, 2013

Group Research Projects and a Freebie Rubric

Last year, I studied Comprehension and Collaboration with some AMAZING coworkers. If you've never heard of it, it's a fabulous read!

A big focus in the book is using inquiry projects to fuel student reading, writing, and content-area work. My grade level restructured our reading units to include lots of inquiry projects during the second half of the school year. We are gearing up for our first big inquiry project - Should there be zoos? I'm so pumped!

To prepare my students for these upcoming projects, we did a lot of cross-genre reading and worked on research and note-taking skills. We practiced them in the context of student-selected topics like George Washington, camouflage, and penguins. (Pictures to come soon!) My students worked in groups to research, so of course, I needed a group research rubric.

Click the link to grab your free copy!

I'm linking up with Manic Mondays at Classroom Freebies!
Classroom freebies
Goodnight, everyone!

P.S. I'm inching closer to 100 followers! And I've hit the 200 follower mark on TpT! That means a giveaway is coming!!!


  1. Talk about perfect time, Angie! I spent 2 hours today at a PD about project based learning. I cannot wait to add this rubric to the discussion. Thanks so much for the freebie and stopping by my blog! :)

    The Brown-Bag Teacher

  2. Hi Angie! I am so glad you stopped by! I have been reading through your blog posts! I love your blog! Super cute! Your take home bags are the best! I am jealous of them! I do take home bags but I have two books and maybe a journal and a stuffed animal. Mine are NOT organized either. Your organization is great! I can't wait to hear more about your inquiry projects! My school keeps telling us to do it but have given us zero training and nothing to work with!

  3. Love the freebie, thanks for sharing! Congrats on 100 mark. If you need any help with donations I'd love to help. =)

    Just Wild About Teaching
