Monday, April 22, 2013

Finally! Updated Clip Chart Calendars

Well, I thought I could outsmart this whole flu thing that had been going around. I didn't get a flu shot and ended up regretting it... BIG TIME. I was totally out of commission for like four days, and I'm just FINALLY starting to feel like my normal self nearly two weeks later. Sigh.

But now I feel back to normal (almost), and I've finally finished something I've been meaning to do - updating my clip chart calendars for parents! I use a clip chart in my classroom (I have two for free downloading in my TpT store), and I have been using these charts to communicate how students do each day with parents. It has worked WONDERFULLY! The students have poly folders with prongs that we use for homework folders. I print one calendar per kiddo each month on cardstock (easier for the kids to slide in and out) and slip it into a sheet protector in the prongs. If you don't have access to color ink, I've included a black and white version that the students can color in the key for. The kids color the calendar themselves as I circulate to make any little notes, and BAM! In about 2 minutes my 28 kiddos have their clip chart colors available for parents to see and sign off on.

It has been GREAT for documentation, because each month I pull the calendars and file them away for each kiddo. Plus, it's rewarding to see good behavior (or improving behavior) charted out for the kids in a visual way.

This is what each calendar looks like:

Click the pic below to snag your free clip chart calendars:

I'm linking up with Manic Monday!

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday


  1. Angie, thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. I checked you out as well. Cute blog! I like your behavior calendar. I used to use something like that, and it worked well. I am your newest follower too! It's always great to "meet" other first grade teachers!
    That First Grade Blog

  2. Do you have a parent letter to send home that explains the behavior calendars? Thanks!
