Friday, July 19, 2013

Dog Days of Summer Giveaway... And a Freebie!

Hey everyone!

I'm part of an awesome collaborative blog with some lovely teacher bloggers over at Teaching Blog Round Up, and we have an awesome giveaway for you all!

I've teamed up with these bloggers for an awesome Dog Days of Summer Giveaway!

The Dog Days of Summer Giveaway Grand Prize
Winners Choice from these TpT Stores
HoJo's Teaching Adventures, The Phonics Phenomenon, KFUNdamentals ($12 or less), JD's Rockin' Readers, Always and Adventure in Kindergarten, Little Miss Primary, Hopkins' Hoppin' Happenings ($12 or less), Primary Junction, The First Grade Scoop, Fun for First, Fun in K/1, Miss V's Busy Bees, You Might Be a First Grader...
Vocabulary Work for Literacy Centers from Primary Inspiration
Lemonade Stand Craftivity from Teaching in the Tongass
Backpack Bonanza from Fantastic First Grade Froggies 
All you need to do is enter by clicking the giveaway button above!

I also have a FREEBIE for you all!

I've created a cut coloring page for each grade kindergarten through fifth! I plan to have these at my students' desks for them to color as I deal with supplies, parent visitors, students moving into my class at the last minute... You know the drill! 

Here's a close-up of one of the pages:

This will be an easy activity for my firsties, and will also provide a little sample of their coloring for a portfolio or simply to take home that first day. You can get it by clicking the cover image above!

Stop on by Teaching Blog Round Up and TBA Freebie Friday for more FREE goodies!

Freebie Fridays


  1. Hi, I don't know if it's me or not but I couldn't get the link to work for your freebie. It did stop at your TPT store for your coloring pages. I was just thinking of others who might come by. (You have an extra "h" in the link.) Thanks!
    Kinders on the Block

  2. Thank you SOOO much for catching that mistake, Desiree! I have the code fixed now. Hopefully it will take you to the correct page now! Thanks for stopping by. :)


  3. The coloring page looks really cute. Definitely have to snag a copy! I just stopped by to tell you that I nominated you for the Liebster Award. Check out the details on my blog.
    Enchanting Elementary
