Monday, July 15, 2013

PHEW! Revised Kevin Henkes Writing Unit... Sale and Giveaway!

Well, I feel like I've slaved over this for FOREVER, but it is finally done!

I have majorly revamped this unit! I made each lesson a full page, with mini-lesson format (connect, teach, active engagement, link, share):

This will give new and experienced teachers alike a little guidance in how to teach using the workshop format, and how to teach this specific unit.

There's a unit overview to help you organize your planning. I typically teach one lesson a day, but you can always extend lessons as needed to meet your kiddos' needs.

I've included a mentor text list and sample anchor chart:

You'll get a student sample:

And rubrics (two versions, one with and one without CCSS, plus a celebration rubric):

And finally, you get some final draft paper for your kiddos' final pieces!

I've taught this self-created unit for several years now and it's one of my favorites!

In honor of finishing this unit, I'm putting my whole store on sale for 20% off for today and tomorrow only! Click the picture of the cover above to go to that item, or click HERE to go to my store!

And if you're still reading, and you're the first two to comment with your email address, I'll send you the unit FREE!

Have a great Monday!


  1. Kevin Henkes is one of my favorite authors. I'd love a copy.

  2. This looks fantastic! I would love to try it!

  3. Man! So close to snatching the unit, LOL! Next time!

  4. WOW! I'm surprised more people did not comment. Free or not this is an awesome product, heading over to TPT to check out the prevew! (:

  5. I am so clueless how to use the Lucy Calkins program. I have tried several times to read the books and I just don't get it. Does anyone have a simple easy to follow directions for her program? :)

